Would Canadians Be Interested in Betting on the Olympics if They Could?
How do you watch a sporting event? Are you someone that just watches the event so you can be topical the next day? Are you someone who can't watch a sporting event without having some action on the line?
Whichever type of viewer you are, the Olympics offers a bevy of opportunities to bet on events.

Canadians are Very Patriotic and Loyal to When it Comes to the Olympics
One of the best parts about the Olympics is the common vested rooting interest for various countries. It's a very patriotic feeling to watch fellow Canadians play in the games, and everyone is typically pulling for their country.

If you want additional rooting interests, there are many athletes competing in the Winter Olympics that hail from Canada.
- James Crawford - Alpine Skiing
- Cassidy Gray - Alpine Skiing
- Antoine Cyr - Cross-Country Skiing
- Dahria Beatty - Cross-Country Skiing
- Reid Watts - Luge, Singles
- Kim Boutin - Speed Skating
- Mark McMorris - Snowboarding
OntarioBets.com commissioned YouGov Plc to conduct this survey. All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. The total sample size is 967 Canada adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between Jan 4th – Jan 7th, 2022. The survey was carried out online and the figures have been weighted and represent all Canada adults aged 18 and over.
Feel free to use this data and research with proper attribution linking to this study. When you do, please give credit and link to OntarioBets.com.